Thursday, August 2, 2012

When You Look At It That Way...

*'Malcom' Rig was provided by 

 Here's another little test I put together. The process for this one went very smoothly, and I'm pretty happy with the way it came out. My wife is convinced that this is supposed to be me. What can I say? I drink coffee and tend to wear black shirts.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

3D World #159... Featuring Me!

My film, "Princess of the Magical Tears" has a two-page article about it in this month's issue (#159) of 3DWorld magazine!

It's in the section called 'Short Cuts', and I answered a lot of questions about my thought process and some of the technical challenges I had when making my film.

 The article isn't on the website, it's only in the magazine at the moment, so you have to buy the magazine if you want to read it, but this month's issue will be FREE for the iPad / iPhone during Siggraph, which is August 5th-9th, so check it out then if you have one!

UPDATE:  Here's a link the abbreviated web-version of the article:

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Dirty Job

Here's a new test I've been working on:  
The trash that spills out of the bag just ended up being sort of like mud or compost simply because I didn't want to model and animate a bunch of small objects, so sue me!  Just rigging the bag was a trick in itself.  This situation itself is actually very familiar to me from my two years experience as a barback in a New York City restaurant.  I'm just glad to be making new CG stuff for my reel again!

(P.S. The character rig I used is called the 'Malcom Rig' and I got it courtesy of

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

People Are Talking!

"Princess of the Magical Tears" will be featured in an upcoming issue of 3D World Magazine!!!  I believe it will be the September issue (#159), but I will announce when it becomes available.

Also, there was nice mention of it in this review of the CalArts Producers' Show from the LAist!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My Final Film is Done!

My fourth year film is now online and posted below. If you would like to see more awesome CalArts films be sure to check out the CalArts Character Animation Student Films 2012 channel on Vimeo

Princess of the Magical Tears

a princess restores a man to life with her tears, and this gift is subsequently exploited.

Original Score by Hillary Thomas

The Princess - Megan Therese Rippey
The Prince and the Jester - Robert Duncan
The Guard - Michael Rianda

* the Morpheus Rig was used to create some of the background characters.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Ugly Club

Finally an update for my very neglected blog. Here's my last test from Randy Haycock's awesome animation class last semester. I really learned a lot.

For now I'm hard at work on my animation for my final film, I'm not sure how much of it I will show before it is finished. Stay tuned.

(the dialogue is from The Upright Citizen's Brigade)